• Last modified 1191 days ago (Dec. 1, 2021)


december 2, 1981

Christmas decorations illuminate the entrance to Marion’s Central Park for night time strollers. The park features a giant silver star with a drawing of the nativity scene at the center. The lighted tree above the Main Street Bridge seems to be suspended on strands of lights when viewed at night and old-time lanterns hang from utility poles to ornament the business district.

Marion Chamber of Commerce representatives Marsha Ames and Larry Loomis are shown as they present Jean Maples, owner of Country Squire Men’s Wear, her “First Dollar of Profit” award.

As a special treat of the holiday season the Marion Chamber of commerce will sponsor free movies for children of the area the next two Saturdays. The animated cartoons will be shown at Marion City Building at 3 p.m.

Pictured winners of the grand opening drawing at the County Seat’s Armstrong Carpet Studio, owned by Brad Wildin and Steve Widler, were: 1st place, Irene Kreutzman, Armstrong Style 12 carpet; 2nd place, Ruby Laudner and Sarah Powell, area rugs; 3rd place, Nettie Rittel and LaDonna Ewert, $20 gift certificates.

Senior citizens in Marion and Ramona are expected to begin work soon on new improvements to their senior centers. Both groups recently received about $6,000 each in federal grant money awarded for improvements to the centers.

Marion Builders Inc. was awarded a $6,500 grant to add a front entryway to their center and sidewalks along the sides of the building.

Ramona senior citizens have set February as the goal date for opening their new center, formerly the Punkin’ School, which was moved into town last year.

Last modified Dec. 1, 2021