• Last modified 1119 days ago (Jan. 19, 2022)


january 2, 1982

Like clockwork and as resolute as the beating of their drums, a company of international peace demonstrators marched along US-56 into Marion Monday protesting the build-up of nuclear arms and waving bilingual banners for world peace. The march will end at the United Nations building in New York in June.

John and Cleo Loomis are pictured as they present Albert Klenda, president of Hospital District No. 1, with a check for $5,000. The Loomises said they were happy to contribute to the St. Luke Hospital operation. They hope the gift will help Marion continue as a leader in services to the elderly and the infirm.

Boy Scouts will collect waste paper starting Saturday to make money for troop projects.

City representatives from four towns held a special meeting in Florence Thursday to prepare a legislative assault for improvements to US-50. Officials say the highway is particularly dangerous from Florence to Strong City.

Peabody Chamber of Commerce has named Jack Whisler “Man of the Year” for 1981. Whisler has long been active in civic affairs at Peabody and is chairman of the Marion County Planning and Development Commission

Larry L. Reiswig has been named vice president and cashier of the Farmers and Drovers National Bank of Marion. He joined the bank in November 1976, was elected assistant cashier in January of 1977, and was advanced to cashier in May 1977.

Those who would like to learn more about cooking with microwave ovens will want to attend a course being offered by Marion County Extension. It will be held Monday and Feb. 1 and 8 from 7 to 9 p.m. each evening at Lynn’s Farm Equipment, Marion.

Hot off a barn-burning win over Chase County Friday night, Marion was knocked out of its saddle Monday, 55-87, by the host team at the Burrton Invitational Tournament. Stan Williams was the leading scorer with 17 points. Tim Richmond added 12.

Last modified Jan. 19, 2022