• Last modified 1135 days ago (Jan. 26, 2022)


january 27, 1982

Marion may be a cow town, but residents are getting tired of having it spread around — the byproducts of the bovine species that is. Trucks loaded with live cattle pass through Marion daily, from west to east, headed for slaughter plants at Emporia.

The situation is at its worst alongside Central Park and up the hill past the high school, places where there is more than a normal flow of pedestrian traffic.

Marion police are cracking down on livestock haulers who are turning Main Street asphalt into a “yellow brick road” that would make Dorothy sniff.

A photo in this issue shows Sheriff June Jost presenting chief dispatcher Sterling Frame, “Squeak,” as he is known among friends, with a badge honoring his 24 years of service as a radio dispatcher.

Capt. David R. Montgomery, USN, son of Dave Montgomery of Marion, is pictured on the front page as he receives the Meritorious Service Medal.

Authorized by President Reagan, the medal recognizes Montgomery’s command of the USS George Washington Carver nuclear submarine during “six complex and demanding” operations “of great importance to the United States.”

Marion High School freshman Don Hett is shown working his way back from injury by lifting weights in gym class. Hett is one of about 35 students participating in a weight lifting program conducted by football coach Bill Pickering.

Arnold Curtis of Newton and Leonard Klenda of Lincolnville were two of more than 30 people who ventured onto Marion Lake Saturday for ice fishing. Richard Hall of Hillsboro reported he caught over 15 crappie last week and is back for a repeat performance on the ice.

Marion Lady Warriors advanced to the second round of competition at the Berean Invitational Monday night, defeating Goessel 31-23. Jami Shirley went 6-7 at the free throw line in the final minutes for a total of 9-10, ending the game with 19 points. Trudy Ratzloff was second leading scorer with 9.

Last modified Jan. 26, 2022