• Last modified 1118 days ago (Feb. 17, 2022)


february 17, 1982

Pictured on the front page is Harvey Sanders, Marion City employee, as he gives Central Park a brush-off Friday while clearing sidewalks along Main Street. The snow blower, which also doubles as a floodway dike mower, was purchased for snow removal in 1980. But, mild weather kept the blower in storage all last winter and it wasn’t until this season’s snow fell that the machine could demonstrate its ability.

Kris Kelsey reigned over the Marion Warriors defeat of the Centre Cougars during the homecoming game Friday. Her attendants were Loreen Wiens and Melissa Robinson. Crown bearers were Kay Lynn Summervill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mick Summervill, and Brian Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Cox.

A letter to the city from Iowa Beef Packers, Emporia, apologized to the city for recent manure spills by trucks hauling livestock through Marion to their plant. “Cleanup traps have a tendency to malfunction during cold weather,” the letter stated.

The IBP official stated in the letter that truck drivers will be informed to be more careful, to clean their trailers more often, and to inspect the traps more often. A similar letter was read from Wilson Trailer Co. of Iowa.

Kingfisher’s Inn owners, employees, and customers were pleased to see that the bird was back early one morning this past week. A broken tail feather had carefully been welded, almost undetectable, by those who had taken the bird. Bob and Kathy Sprowls were so pleased to have him back, that they hung a “thank you” sign around his neck.

Jeannette Bentz is pictured as she reigns as queen Friday night at homecoming festivities at Centre High School. The announcement of her selection was made following completion of the junior varsity match between Centre and Council Grove. Runners-up are Kelly Jirak, Amy Miller, and Mary Vinduska.

Last modified Feb. 17, 2022