• Last modified 856 days ago (March 23, 2022)


april 6, 1977

Seventeen baseball teams, from peewees to adults, are being organized for summer play. Carol Colburn will be in charge of the girls’ program with Harold Bowers and Harvey Sanders as coaches. Junior Babe Ruth coaches will be Max Hayen, Bill Higgins, and Mike Regnier. Babe Ruth coaches will be Bruce Hett and David Branson. Dan Gilham will be senior Babe Ruth coach.

This week’s Personality Profile features Leo Scharenberg. Leo finds plenty of comic incidents as he relates his World War II experiences as a prisoner of war.

Three people from Marion County have been appointed to the board of the Prairie View Mental Health Center at Newton. They are Mary Costello of Marion, Al Dueck of Hillsboro, and Betty Grimwood of Burns.

State Rep. Pascal Roniger had two Marion High School girls serve as his pages last Wednesday in the Kansas House of Representatives. Shown having their picture taken with Gov. Robert Bennett are Wanda Ireland and Michelle Mellott.

Saturday was Implement Day in Marion with a display on the street north of the courthouse. Marion is regarded as the farm equipment center for this portion of the state, with several aggressive full-line machinery dealerships.

Marion High School’s FFA/Vo-Ag students, Tim Vogel, Larry Casey, Bill McGuire, and Mike Ehrlich, placed first in a dairy cattle judging contest in Newton last week.

Last modified March 23, 2022