45 years ago
april 27, 1977
Pictured in this issue catching some Sunday sun in Central Park are Joan Winter and her young son, Todd. Balancing them on the other end of a teeter-totter was Todd’s daddy, Earl.
Marion High School girls have broken six school records in track and field events this season. Molly Ferrell broke her old record in the hurdles with a run of 16.1 seconds. She also broke her own 440 record with a time of 62.9. Jandee Smith broke her old record in the 100-yard dash with a new time of 11.8. She also broke her 220-yard record with a time of 27.6. The 440-relay team of Bryant, Ferrell, Colburn, and Smith set a record of 53.2, and the 880-relay team, composed of the same four girls, set a record of 1:51.9.
The Personality Profile for this week features Jerry Hett. The article tells his life story and about how his family, wife Peggy, and their six children — Bob, Gary, Jerry Ray, Lori, and David — make decisions in a group.
First-place winners in a recent Cub Scout physical fitness contest were Devin Kelsey, Craig Mueller, and Mike Bina. Darrin Jost, Dale Heidebrecht, and Chris Meierhoff took second place, and David Tripp, Mark Raleigh, and Jay Christensen were third.
Joseph Alan Ragole, 23, of Marion has accepted an engineering position with Sperry Flight Systems in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a 1972 graduate of Marion High School and a December graduate of Kansas State University with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ragole of Marion are his parents.
Last modified April 14, 2022