45 years ago
may 11, 1977
Danny Bernhardt, Larry Kirkpatrick, and Eddie Robinson, Marion High School FFA members, are pictured as they plant one of a number of trees north of the administration building near the high school. The boys, along with many others, did the landscaping project as part of their work in a field and specialty crops class.
Featured in this week’s “Personality Profile” is Albert “Al” Stenzel, now retired after heart problems.
The freshmen mixed chorus at Florence Junior High School will present “Tom Sawyer” May 21 at the new Florence gymnasium. Theresa Kroupa will be the accompanist. Lead parts will be played by Devin Francis, Miriam Priest, John Slifer, Carla Jost, Julie Hett, and Brian Bowers.
Jerry Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hess, celebrated his seventh birthday May 2 with a party in Central Park. Invited guests were Stephanie Summerville, Jamie Keller, Amy Deines, Tracey Lacock, Ivan Graack, Bradley and Gregory Tice, Mark Meisinger, Chris Vinduska, Chris Blackman, Jason Bina, Arthur Hughes, Melvin Uphoff, David Gilham, Rob Hartley, and Lisa Hess.
Alfalfa from field to freight is being processed at a rate of about 1½ tons per hour these days at Western Alfalfa Corp. at the northwest edge of Marion. Glen Taylor, manager, estimates that the plant will handle 1,200 acres of alfalfa this year, cutting within an 8-to-12-mile radius of Marion.
Last modified April 28, 2022