• Last modified 1008 days ago (May 5, 2022)


may 18, 1977

A real attention-getter and crowd pleaser at Sunday’s open house at St. Luke Hospital was a medical evacuation helicopter from Fort Riley’s “big red one” 1st Infantry Division. It was flown to Marion by Chief Warrant Officer Les Harlan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harlan of Emporia, formerly of Marion.

Kansas Bankers Association has elected Tampa State Bank president Ed Costello to a three-year term as a regional representative.

The first in a monthly series on century-old houses in Marion begins with this week’s issue of the Marion County Record.

“Anyone going into retirement should make plans ahead of time,” said Gene Heath, who has had experience with retirement since July 1, 1972. “I liked to raise a good garden,” he added, “and to fish.” This is the opening paragraph from this week’s “Personality Profile” featuring Heath.

Cheerleaders for next year were selected Tuesday as students voted for their candidates. A Team members will be Annette Nienstedt, Greta Helmer, Donna Stovall, Adah McGranor, and Carla Jost. B Team selections were Julie Hett, Janice Wiens, Jamie Richmond, Gena Helmer, Jan Nuss, and Lanell Tajchman.

A public meeting is scheduled May 25 on the topic of cable television for Marion.

Twenty-eight seniors and three teachers from Centre High School went to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City on May 6 and 7 for Grad Night ’77. The special night honored seniors from four states.

Last modified May 5, 2022