• Last modified 1007 days ago (May 11, 2022)


MAY 25, 1977

Walt Disney’s “The Ugly Dachshund” will be shown Friday in Marion city building. Three Disney cartoons also will be shown. A small fee will be charged. Hot buttered popcorn and other concession-stand items will be available. The event is a project of KanzAton Junior Club.

This week’s subject of the Record’s “Personality Profile” column is Vera Highsmith. Highsmith has worked at Marion County Courthouse for 20 years.

Three seniors have earned co-valedictorian honors for the Marion High School Class of 1987. They are Rhonda Williams, Carol Colburn, and Bradley Heerey. Co-salutatorians are Sue Fruechting and Cathy McGuire. Gary Boyle and Cindy Harris have been named outstanding boy and girl.

More than 70 were present for the May meeting of Marion Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Roger Jensen was at Friday’s meeting as a guest of Tom Evert, St. Luke Hospital administrator. Dr. Jensen is in his third year of residency leading to a family practice specialty. It is hoped he might choose to practice in Marion.

Marion’s Luta Creek, or “Mud Creek” if you prefer, has been running high in her banks all week — the result of bountiful spring rains.

Mrs. Ernest Bina of Pilsen will join her five sisters Friday for a trip to France to visit the homeland of their mother. The six sisters were featured in a story with picture in a recent issue of the Salina paper.

Last modified May 11, 2022