45 years ago
0ctober 26, 1977
Marion did it again. Saturday marked the third time that Marion has won second place in statewide PRIDE competition. The award and a check for $500 were presented to Marion PRIDE Chairman Dorothy Varenhorst by Governor Robert Bennett at a ceremony Saturday night in Topeka.
A lithograph of a house at 325 N. Cedar St. is featured on the front page of this issue. It is believed to have been built by C.C. Minton, a banker in early-day Marion. W. O. Hannaford acquired the house in 1887. Because of his long residence there, it became remembered for many years as the Hannaford house. Betty Laue and her two daughters live in the home at present.
Les Byer, art teacher at Marion High School, is featured in this week’s Personality Profile.
Members of Cadette Girl Scout Troop 66 rode to Wichita to see a movie Oct. 16. Participants included scouts Ann and Jan Bryant, Lisa Wilson, Sherry Snelling, Shelli Bernhardt, and Darla and Jamie Vogel and adults Margaret Wilson, Georgia Vogel and Janet Bryant.
Jason Hanschu competed Saturday in tough punt, pass, and kick competition with other zone winners from Kansas, western Missouri, and Arkansas. He finished fourth but was thrilled when Willie Lanier of the Kansas City Chiefs gave him his autograph.
Last modified Oct. 5, 2022