• Last modified 842 days ago (Oct. 27, 2022)


NOV. 16, 1977

Conyers Flowers and Gilham’s Gardens will have their annual Christmas open houses from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Two longtime valued employees of St. Luke Hospital retired recently. Ella Ford, a cook, retired Oct. 1 after 19 years of service. Mae White, a nurse’s aide, retired Nov. 1 after 17 years of service.

Marion High School senior Molly Ferrell, daughter of Pauline Ferrell, has been named to the Cottonwood Valley League all-star volleyball team.

There’s a store in Lincolnville that is nearly unbelievable. Tiemeier’s has been operating through three generations. Henry W. Tiemeier bought the store at Lincolnville in 1887. His son, Henry J. Tiemeier, carried on the store until his death in 1943. Henry J.’s son, Edgar, and his wife, Mabel, became owners in 1957. Edgar and the store’s history are featured in this week’s “Personality Profile.”

Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Helmer will be honored Nov. 27 with a reception at Eastmoor United Methodist Church in observance of their 25th wedding anniversary.

Marion High School students attending Mathematics Day at Emporia State University were Bev Bezdek, Karen Stevens, David Bryant, and Van Kerns. They were the MHS algebra team.

Last modified Oct. 27, 2022