45 years ago
FEB. 8, 1978
Joseph W. Brigman, 21, a Fort Riley soldier, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder in the shooting deaths Aug. 29 of Dennis Armstrong, 31, and his wife, Evelyn, 28, at their farm home northwest of Tampa.
Perfect weather for snow sculptures has resulted in a number of ingenious creations. Pictured is an example in front of the Charles Heerey residence at 325 N. Roosevelt. Doug and Cindy Heerey created the scene.
Ronald Kelsey, 34, was injured Feb. 1 in an early morning accident while attempting to clear the snow in the post office parking lot. In an effort to prevent a fall on the ice, his hand became lodged in the fan of the snowblower. He lost portions of two fingers on his right hand.
Rosie Plenert entertained at the annual dinner of Marion Chamber of Commerce. Chat ’n’ Dine Club was host for the event Saturday night at the lake hall. Norma Riggs accompanied her.
Abstractor Norma Hannaford is subject of this week’s Personality Profile by Ruth Meyer.
Weddings reported in this issue include those of Lucia Lee Ronning and Douglas Lynn Keazer on Jan. 1 and Judith Ann Reznicek and Louis Wegerer of Jan. 21.
Last modified Feb. 2, 2023