• Last modified 710 days ago (Feb. 16, 2023)


feb. 22, 1978

US-56 between Marion and Hillsboro has been closed for three days the past two weeks because of snowstorms and drifting. The highway was closed on Monday and Tuesday of last week and again Monday of this week.

Roger Hoffman and Jack Richmond, partners in Marion Die and Fixture Co., gave a report and answered questions about their business at a regular meeting Friday noon of Marion Chamber of Commerce.

“Tubing” isn’t found in the dictionary, but kids of all ages may be found enjoying the sport nearly any afternoon on slopes of the dike surrounding the west side of Marion. Old tractor tubes, plastic sheets, or any type of sled are used to coast down the slope of the dike. Riders then trudge to the top and do it all over again

MoorMan’s team was the top team out of the 33 entered in the Marion City Men’s Bowling Association tournament the past two weekends at MarBowl Lanes. K. Remmers and J. Hayes took first place out of 58 pairs entered in doubles competition. Singles honors went to Roger “Bud” Hannaford. Don Bredemeier was the all-events winner.

Gary Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle, has been chosen to play Lancelot in York College’s musical production of “Camelot.” Boyle, a 1977 graduate of Marion High School, is a freshman business major at the college in Nebraska.

Last modified Feb. 16, 2023