45 years ago
march 15, 1978
Marion received the Pride Pacemaker Award Friday, which included many activities associated with Pride. Governor Robert Bennett was featured speaker at an evening banquet in the gymnasium.
Kelley Enos, Junior Girl Scout and a fourth grader at Marion Elementary School, is pictured as she displays several boxes of cookies she will deliver. Kelley sold 111 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, her first attempt at the fund-raising project.
Lester Griffith, highly regarded Marion County agricultural agent and director of the Marion County Extension Council, has announced that he will take early retirement this spring. Griffith has served as county ag agent since Feb. 1, 1960.
Dental technician Sam Johnson is the subject of this week’s “Personality Profile.”
Marion High School student Kathy Sandwell placed second in a Typing II testing of secretarial skills Thursday at Bethel College. Also participating in the tests were Kelly Brenzikofer, Jan Bryant, Jane Johnson, Lori Kelsey, Gail Regier, Becky Vinduska, and Debbie Vinduska.
Forrest Kelsey is pictured as he is welcomed to the Marion business community by Alex Case Jr. and Marion Chamber of Commerce president George Jackson. Kelsey and his wife, Beatrice, have opened Bekel interior decorating center on Main St.
Last modified March 9, 2023