• Last modified 659 days ago (March 30, 2023)


april 5, 1978

Marion City Commission received good news and bad Monday afternoon. The bad news is that Kansas Power and Light has raised rates a whopping 43%. The good news is that construction has started on Marion’s community antenna television system.

Employees of Master Crafts and its owner, Bill Wray, have been working on one of the company’s biggest orders — for utility tables to be used at Army Corps of Engineers recreation areas. The tables are being hauled as they are completed to spots in Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas. Half of the order, 3,220, have been built and delivered so far.

Representative Pascal Roniger is pictured as he watches Gov. Robert Bennett sign House Bill 3197, which gives Hospital District No. 1 of Marion County the legal authority to construct a medical clinic for physicians. The district owns St. Luke Hospital in Marion.

Galen Rapp, manager of Marion, Hillsboro, and Lehigh Cooperative Grain and Supply facilities, is the subject of this week’s “Personality Profile.”

Pat Fruechting, Marg Kerns, and Donna Stovall have been selected as delegates to the 36th Sunflower Girls State. Annette Nienstedt is alternate. Delegates chosen to attend Boys State are Bill Hoch, Rick Richmond, Kevin Wilson, and Doug Heerey. Alternates are Barry Allen and Chuck Gough.

Last modified March 30, 2023