• Last modified 613 days ago (June 8, 2023)


june 14, 1978

Marion City commissioners heard Monday all right-of-way has been secured for the soon-to-be relocated Pilsen road. The new road and bridge will eliminate two bad curves and avoid having to build over the Marion floodway dike and channel.

Commander David R. Montgomery has been installed as commanding officer of the USS George Washington Carver nuclear submarine. Commander Montgomery’s father is the Dave Montgomery, executive manager of the Scully Estates office in Marion.

This issue includes an article about Marion County register of deeds Alma Jean Wiebe, who has zealously guarded the vital statistics of the county for 15 years, and one about Florence resident Charles Dannenfelser, who is featured in this week’s “Personality Profile” column.

Marion Hardware and Gift Shop is getting a facelift, part of a remodeling plan begun 1½ years ago. Workers are painting the building brown and installing shutters on second story windows.

More than 60 Brownies and Girl Scouts from Marion and Florence learned outdoor skills and passed merit badge tests last week at Camp Gitchee Gumee. The annual day camp was pitched on the shores of Marion County Lake. The girls drove tent stakes, tooled leather, strung beads, swam, danced, fished, water skied, canoed, shot bows and arrows, rode horses and learned tackle and hoof care, listened to bird songs, and studied plants.

Last modified June 8, 2023