• Last modified 520 days ago (Sept. 14, 2023)


sept. 20, 1978

A violent storm with heavy rain and hurricane force winds caused widely scattered damage this past weekend. The most extensive damage was reported at Marion Reservoir, where an unoccupied trailer home in Eastshore was overturned and a trailer parked at Hillsboro Cove was ripped apart.

This week’s “Personality Profile” by Ruth Meyer features Grace Utting, Marion County health nurse.

Harold Keazer, post office rural carrier, is pictured as he shows off his recently purchased innovative mail delivery vehicle. The car is custom-equipped with dual steering wheels, brakes, and throttles. Controls on the left permit him to operate the car as a regular vehicle. Those on the right allow him to operate the vehicle from the right.

The first in a series recognizing people writing community news for the paper starts this week and features Mrs. J.S. Penner, correspondent for the Ebenfeld community.

St. Patrick’s Parish of Florence will celebrate its centennial Oct. 1 with a concelebrated Mass presided over by David M. Maloney, bishop of Wichita.

An urgent cry of distress has been sounded by George Jackson, director of Marion’s famed Rube Band. The group needs a bass drummer. Tom Evert, regular drummer, will be parade chairman this year and must drop out for one season.

Last modified Sept. 14, 2023