45 years ago
oct. 11, 1978
Larry Reiswig is pictured as he pours part of a final layer of Plexi-Pave onto East Park tennis courts. George Jackson followed Reiswig with a squeegee, smoothing the synthetic substance over the surface.
An article by staff writer / photographer Pam Vinduska is about Mildred Siebert, Morning Star correspondent for a number of years — 20 is a rough guess, Siebert says.
Pictured with an article concerning National School Lunch Week are cooks Mary White and Irma Waner and Marion Elementary students, Mike Loomis, April Ogden, and Marnie Bina as they go through a lunch line.
Winnie and Clarence Conyers, owners of Conyers Flowers, are subjects for this week’s Personality Profile by Ruth Meyer, special feature writer for the Marion County Record.
High school sports editor David Colburn features John Brose and his 9-month-old Labrador retriever, Elizabeth. Liz, as her owner calls her, outperformed 21 other retrievers at puppy field trials the weekend of Sept. 30 and received the Marygol Challenge Trophy from the Kansas City Retrievers Club.
Mrs. Norman Plenert presented a program Oct. 2 to 20th Century Club. She showed slides and described her trip to Europe last May with the Emporia State University choir.
Last modified Oct. 5, 2023