45 years ago
oct. 18, 1978
Fashion-conscious and fashion-interested people had a rare opportunity Sunday afternoon to view some of the best in fall and winter fashions at a fashion preview at St. Mark’s Activity Center. Sponsoring the event were Pat Nuss of the Sassy Shop and George Jackson of Jackson’s Men’s and Boys’ Wear. Roger Hannaford was master of ceremonies.
Marion High School homecoming queen Jandee Smith and her attendants, Donna Stovall and Renda Thompson, are pictured as they pose with escorts Casey Case, Doug Heerey, and Danny Snelling at halftime of the Marion-Centre football game Friday night. Marion Warriors won the game, 40-12.
Bryan Bell, one of Marion’s best-known citizens and a longtime member of the staff at Buckley’s Grocery, died suddenly Oct. 9, shocking many friends of long standing.
Hurshel Raleigh, who has been employed as a maintenance man in city schools for 21 years, left that position Friday. He is the subject of this week’s “Personality Profile” by feature writer Ruth Meyer.
One of the highlights of the Oct. 10 meeting of Ecker-Fulkerson-Slifer VFW Auxiliary was the honoring of Gold Star mothers Tressie Ford, Hazel Ecker, and Evelyn Stage. Each received a gold star necklace presented by Sylvia Winchester, auxiliary present.
Last modified Oct. 11, 2023