• Last modified 443 days ago (Nov. 23, 2023)


nov. 29, 1978

Little Eric Hardey, 3, is pictured as he excitedly chats with Santa during a visit Sunday afternoon to Santa’s Marion headquarters. Eric, son of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hardey of Florence, confides a wish or two to the old man, who will visit Marion again Saturday, Dec. 23.

Charles A. Heerey, subject of this week’s Personality Profile by Ruth Meyer, works in a Wichita post office, driving each day, yet maintains almost perfect attendance at his three children’s sport events and school activities.

Marion Warrior halfback Casey Case has been named to the Wichita Eagle Class 3A all- state first-string offensive football team. Jeff Richmond received honorable mention at fullback for the offensive unit.

An article by staff writer Pam Vinduska tells how Mrs. Dale Snelling enjoys drawing and sketching in addition to writing Marion County Lake news each week. Enrolled in a college course offered through Butler Community College, she had found drawing to be one of her favorite hobbies.

Donna Berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berg, was named top first-year FFA member in South Central Kansas at a district FFA Greenhand conference last week at Hutchinson.

Last modified Nov. 23, 2023