45 years ago
JAN. 24, 1979
Officers elected at a Marion County Regional Planning and Development Commission meeting Thursday night were Jack Whisler of Peabody, chairman; A.J. Coe of Marion, vice chairman; and J.L. Fruechting of rural Marion, secretary-treasurer.
The first release of wild Rio Grande turkeys in the area was made last week. The birds were transported to two release sites, one near Florence and one near Cedar Point. Five hens and three gobblers were released at each site. It is possible this will go a long way toward re-establishing wild turkeys in the area.
Dola Meierhoff is site manager for the Fellowship Meals program presently housed in the recreation room at Hilltop Manor. She is the subject this week of Ruth Meyer’s popular “Personality Profile” articles.
Marion County Lake residents are sponsoring a snow art contest for anyone interested. A pot for donations has been started, and contributions are growing. Judges will be Mabel Williams, Ona Griffith, and Jo McKean.
Boy Scouts Jeff Conyers, Monte Dalke, and Mike Jordan participated in a Rendezvous Camp-out last Saturday and Sunday at Harvey County Park.
Last modified Jan. 18, 2024