• Last modified 296 days ago (April 25, 2024)


may 2, 1979

Marion High School will present “Oklahoma,” one of the most popular musicals ever performed, May 10 and 11 at Marion Municipal Auditorium. Playing leading roles are Laurie Laubhan, Bill Hoch, Janelle Bowers, Donita Makovec, Chuck Gough, Jay Smith, and Troy Bridges.

The 90th birthday of Katharine McLinden was celebrated April 29. She and her three sisters have celebrated 352 birthdays. Kate’s sisters are Claire Price, 88; Edna Sayre, 79; and Sophia Stenzel, 95.

Kansas Attorney General Robert T. Stephan will be commencement speaker when Marion High School seniors graduate May 22.

Jeffrey Longhofer, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Longhofer of Marion, recently served on a panel concerning health, disease, and culture at the national meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology in Philadelphia.

Jim Christensen, representing the Marion Chamber of Commerce, is pictured presenting Caryl Wiebe her first dollar of profit. Wiebe assumed control of the former Steve’s Dairy Palace three weeks ago.

Last modified April 25, 2024