45 years ago
aug. 29, 1979
“Marion, a bright dry future” will be the theme of Old Settlers Day this year, according to Larry Loomis, general chairman.
After 21 years of service as a rural letter carrier for Marion’s post office, Harold Keazer delivered mail for the last time Friday at the Walt Hett ranch — part of his daily, 111-mile route.
Keazer worked 32 years for the postal department, nine years as Marion postmaster.
Commander David Montgomery, captain of one of the U.S. Navy’s nuclear submarines and son of Dave Montgomery of Marion, received considerable publicity recently when he gave President Jimmy Carter’s daughter, Amy, a personally escorted tour of his vessel near Jacksonville, Florida.
Freda Steele, new pastor of the Florence-Aulne United Methodist parish, is this week’s subject of Ruth Meyer’s “Personality Profile.”
Mary Stika is pictured as she receives a handful of apples from her husband, Joe, as he picks them from one of three trees in the front yard of their home on Main St. at the east edge of Marion.
Last modified Aug. 21, 2024