• Last modified 159 days ago (Sept. 4, 2024)


sept. 12, 1979

Final plans for Old Settlers Day include the annual parade and lunch in the park, followed by kids’ games, dedication of the city’s flood control project, a program by the high school band, and a performance by Benny Holtsclaw, country-western and gospel singer.

Alvina Hoffman is subject of this week’s “Personality Profile.” Alvina married Earl Hoffman in 1930 and was a typical farm wife until 1953, when she decided to go back to the schoolroom and renewed a teaching certificate she had earned in the 1920s.

Pictured is Phyllis Melton receiving the Business and Professional Women’s Club’s Woman of the Year award from Mrs. Howard Ford, BPW selection committee chairman.

Lewis Larsen, Marion, brought into the newspaper office a whopper of a sunflower grown on his farm near Aulne. It measures 14 inches across its seed-filled pod.

Julie Hett is pictured as she steps out to dance with Mark Avilar, trumpet player of Atlantis, a Navy rock ’n’ roll band performing in Marion gymnasium. The group’s itinerary included Haven, Buhler, and Marion before an appearance Saturday at Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson.

Last modified Sept. 4, 2024