• Last modified 157 days ago (Sept. 11, 2024)


sept. 12, 1979

Time and space-saving technology are reducing a century-old problem in the district court office at the courthouse.

The problem is tons of court records; the solution is a palm-sized 16mm film cassette and an electronic reader-printer.

This issue shows Phyllis Kreutziger and Vivian Pirtle as they use the new equipment.

Jerry Calvert, new pastor of Eastmoor/Youngtown United Methodist churches, is subject of this week’s “Personality Profile.”

Several “first dollars of profit” plaques were delivered this week by Chamber of Commerce ambassadors George Jackson and Donna Fruechting.

Receiving plaques were Dennis and Dick Maggard for their new Main Street Auto Service garage; Mike Bredemeier, who recently purchased Dine Inn Cafe from Stanley May; and Frank Pecinovsky, owner of Midwest Sales and Service, purchased from Lynn Christensen.

Ernest Meierhoff is the most recent entrant in the annual Marion County Record produce derby with an 8½-pound banana cantaloupe from hi

Last modified Sept. 11, 2024