• Last modified 104 days ago (Oct. 30, 2024)


NOV. 7, 1979

A welcome bonus of free cash will be the incentive to get shoppers to trade in Marion during the upcoming Christmas season.

Registration blanks are printed in this issue of the Marion County Record. Drawings will be held twice a week, with first prize being $50; second, $25; third, $15; and fourth, $10, for a total of $200 per week.

Jean and Jim Bridges came to Marion eight years ago with four of their seven children and are subjects of Ruth Meyer’s Personality Profile this week. The Bridges own and operate Owl Car Café.

Jayson Hanschu, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Hanschu of Ramona, finished second in an area Punt, Pass, and Kick competition over the weekend in Kansas City. Jason’s score of 321 feet fell just short of the winning 329 feet. The winner, Todd Dysentra of Iowa, will represent a seven-state area in competition in Houston.

Lots of fun, games, and treats were available at a Halloween party at the home of Charlotte and Eric Thies. Others attending were Bobby Bevins, Andy Hett, Neil Hett, Shannon Klein, Jennifer McLain, Shelly Moore, Allison Ogden, Eric Pippin, Sherry Plenert, Robin Summervill, Jeff Williams, and Ed Zeller.

Last modified Oct. 30, 2024