• Last modified 1234 days ago (March 10, 2021)


march 17, 1966

The annual Marion P.T.A. home talent productions, that are fast becoming a community tradition for fun and good talent, have a brand new production. Written and supervised by Jean Holmes, “Off Broadway” is coming March 28-29.

Action by some Brownie and Girl Scouts got results this week when they wrote letters to the school board and city commission asking for lights on the street to the athletic field. The city has agreed to install street lights along Lawrence, east of Marion Elementary School, and up ball park road to the entrance to the field.

Gary Thompson, head coach of the Wichita State University basketball team, will be the main speaker at the Kiwanis-sponsored Marion Athletic Banquet to be held Tuesday in the fellowship hall of the Evangelical United Brethren Church.

Clive “Butch” Jarvis is pictured as he receives a card from Harold McKibbin, commander of the Marion American Legion post, honoring his 45 years of continuous membership in the American Legion,

The “Ink Spots,” bowling team, sponsored by the Marion County Record, won the Marion City Bowling Association’s handicap tournament held during the past three weeks at Mar Bowl Lanes.

Try-outs for the Junior Class play, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” were held Thursday. Marlyn Friesen, director, announces the lead parts will be played by Norman Mueller as Tom Sawyer, Pat Costello as Huckleberry Finn, Helen Jackson as Aunt Polly, and Jackie Thomas as Becky Thatcher. Other parts will be played by Linda Loney, Steve Heinz, Cathy Palmer, Jim Magee, Patty Plenert, Jan Varenhorst, Mike Wood, and Neil Osgood.

Last modified March 10, 2021