• Last modified 1227 days ago (March 17, 2021)


march 24, 1966

A permanent improvement for the Marion County road system is a new “hot mix” plant purchased recently. To be located near the center of the county on land owned by the county at the former site of “Cedar Rest,” the plant will produce hot mix materials for use on roads of the county.

The cast of the home-talent Parent Teachers Association production, “Off Broadway,” is hard at work this weekend putting the finishing touches on their new show. Curtain time for the two night shows is 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday.

A very attractive bit of architecture is emerging in the new Marion Street building under construction at 4th and Main, the new home of Swann Drug Store.

Commission Robert Brooks this week filed for re-election as finance commissioner of the City of Marion, the position he has held for the past year.

West Side Grocery and Mobil filling station on West Santa Fe St. is again open after being closed for nearly a year for remodeling following a disastrous fire.

Don Wipf, advertising man and news writer for the Hillsboro Star Journal, was painfully injured Wednesday night in a one car accident on Greenwich road, north of Wichita. He received a broken jaw, broken collar bone, and bruised cheek and face.

One of the more unusual and attractive beauty spots among the many in Marion is the fountain and pool in the lawn of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Westerhaus on S. Freeborn. The fountain is set in the center of a cement-lined pool, with a low wall of decorative brick.

Members of the Cottonwood Valley Saddle Horse Association took advantage of the weather last weekend and held a
Trail Ride” on Sunday.

Recently elected officers of the association are: Roger Morse, president; Leslie Powell, vice president; Tommy Thompson, secretary; and Alex Case Sr. treasurer.

Last modified March 17, 2021