55 years ago
april 14, 1966
The annual Marion County Spring Beef show is scheduled to be held April 30 in Marion. The show is sponsored by the Marion County Hereford Association, Marion County Agricultural Extension Council, and Marion Chamber of Commerce. It will be held at the show grounds and athletic field on the east edge of the city.
Eighth grader Paula Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fisher of Peabody, was the winner of the Marion County Spelling Bee held April 14 in the American Legion hall here. Steve Fillipp, seventh grader at Marion Elementary School, took second place. Third place went to Kathleen Enns, fifth grader at Hillsboro.
Members of the board of education of Unified District 408 met with Vickers and Everson, architects and engineering firm from Hutchinson, Monday evening to discuss plans for a proposed new stadium at Marion Athletic Field.
Harold Johnson, Marion, missed $200 Wednesday at this week’s Cash Days drawing. Mabel Amick, Marion, received $10; Betty Lee, Marion, received $5; Barbara Lea Kline, Marion, missed $5; and Bob Boese, Marion, missed $20.
Outstanding scholastic promise in home economics has resulted in an invitation for sophomore Cheryl Schimpf, Marion, to participate in the Kansas State University College of Home Economics master’s degree project.
Melody Ann Meier was honored with a birthday party after school April 5. Guests who helped her celebrate were Denise Westerhaus, Beverly Swanson, Ruth Endres, Carol Steinel, Sharon Anderson, and Diana Case.
Governor Wm. Avery and Congressman Garner Shriver will be featured speakers in Marion April 16 at an important 4th Congressional District meeting and luncheon of Republican Women. An estimated 125 women, Republican leaders from over the newly-organized seven-county Fourth District, will attend.
Last modified April 8, 2021