• Last modified 1402 days ago (April 15, 2021)


april 21, 1966

The board of education of Unified District 408 will meet Monday evening with officials of Vickers and Everson, architects, to discuss plans and ideas for the proposed new athletic stadium,

A petition for oiling Maple Street and the 400 block of Coble Street was read and approved Monday at the regular Marion City Commission meeting. City policemen Lyle Sanders, Paul Behrendt, and June Jost met with commissioners to discuss several items of law enforcement, especially the curfew law and the laws on dogs and cats.

Durham schools were let out for a couple of hours Monday and students were joined by adult spectators as the city’s tall new water tower was trucked into town and lifted onto its foundation by two huge cranes, the final major step in providing the city with a supply of the finest water to be found anywhere.

Norman Mueller and Pat Costello, who are playing Mark Twains’ fictional characters, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, are pictured as they “cool their toes” during dress rehearsal of the junior class play, “Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”

The only winner in this week’s Cash Days drawing was Theodora Koslowsky. She received the 5th place prize of $25. Evelyn Conyers of Marion missed the first prize of $200; Feebie Smith, Marion, missed $5; Betty Hanes, Florence, $5; and Roy Hoover, $10.

Marion High School’s mile relay team of Jay Woerz, Bryan Alexander, Dennis Knoblock, and Bob Elling was the only Warriors entry to take a first Tuesday at the Herington relays. The same four took fourth in the 880-yard relay and Bob Elling took a fourth in the 100-yard dash.

Last modified April 15, 2021