• Last modified 1374 days ago (May 13, 2021)


may 19, 1966

Marion County Commissioners this week approved in general the plan of the county fair board to move the fair from its present location in downtown Hillsboro to a new park and site to be built in a portion of Hillsboro’s Memorial Park.

A grand opening and open house will be held this weekend at a new enterprise for this area, the Kansas Division of T & T Chinchilla Ranch, located east of Antelope. Manager Keith Nelson will show visitors through the plant from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Marion County’s new plant for manufacturing “hot mix” material for use in road surfacing went into successful operation for the first time this week. The plant is located on ground at the old Cedar Rest home location.

Dwight Wiebe, secretary of the Christian Service program of the Mennonite Brethren church conference, will be the featured speaker May 23 at the graduation program for eighth graders of Marion Elementary School.

This time of the year many groups of school children, scouts, and other interested young people take time to pay a visit to the RECORD office to learn how the paper is printed. The second grade from Hope, along with their teacher Mrs. Irene Albrecht, is pictured as they inspect a linotype machine being operated by Ronald Widler.

All boys who are interested in playing either American Legion or Babe Ruth baseball this summer are asked to attend a meeting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at the ball park.

Marsha Poppe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Poppe of Lincolnville, holds state and national records in Junior Olympics competition. Marsha has taken first in national in the softball throw, second in running broad jump, and third in the standing broad jump. She also holds Kansas records in all three of the categories.

Last modified May 13, 2021