55 years ago
january 12, 1967
David Hanson, owner-operator of Hanson’s Phillips 66 service station, was elected as president of the Marion Chamber of Commerce for the coming year Tuesday noon at the Owl Car Café. Elected with Hanson was Keith Conyers as vice president, and two new board of directors members, Gerry Harris and Gordon Wingerd. Alex Case Jr. was re-appointed secretary and Homer Stenzel to that of treasurer.
All four administrators in the Marion school system have been asked to return and offered contracts for the coming year by the board of education. Contracts have been offered to Superintendent Jack M. Applegate; high school principal Jim Weinmann; elementary principal Eugene Enos; and primary principal Maude Thompson.
Frank Holub, well-known Marion County man, is pictured as he tries out the Olivetti adding machine he chose as his first prize in the recent Marion County Record subscription campaign. He was surprised and pleased and said he was sure to get his income tax straight now.
The Rev. and Mrs. Winsto. Worden of the Marion Christian Church and Wayne, 4, welcomed a fine new boy, Neil Flint Worden, to the family at 2:37 p.m. January 6, in time to become St. Luke Hospital’s first baby of 1967. Neil weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces and has won a fine array of gifts presented to the first baby by Marion merchants.
Other welcome arrivals at St. Luke this week were the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Zimmer of Marion. They are the first twins born at St. Luke for quite some time, according to nurses. Robin Renee was born at 2:33 a.m. Sunday, January 8, weighing 6 lbs. 2 ozs. and Rhonda Reneee at 2:52 a.m. Sunday, weighing 6 lbs. 12 ozs.
Last modified Dec. 30, 2021