55 years ago
march 16, 1967
Sixteen MHS students will go to Sterling College Saturday to participate in the district speech and drama festival.
They include Jim Magee, Chuck Bredemeier, Patty Plenert, Susan Yeagley, Carol Bowers, Becky Herrick, Kathy Westerhaus, Jackie Thomas, Linda Loney, Jan Varenhorst, Norman Mueller, Pat Costello, Cathy Palmer, and Mike Wood.
The one-act play cast includes Helen Jackson, Patty Plenert, Linda Loney, Norman Mueller, and Pat Costello.
Donna Backhus of Tampa took top honors in several categories of the recently completed women’s bowling tournament held at MarBowl Lanes, Marion.
She won scratch and handicap in the singles, all-events, Hi-30, and Hi-10 and she and Ida Backhus took first in the scratch category of the doubles event.
Want to join an exclusive club? The K.O.M.O.T.C. is just that. It doesn’t make any difference how much money you have, how old you are, or how popular you may be. The only way you can join this club is to be the mother of twins, or multiple birth children.
An attempt is being made to organize a Kansas Organization of Mothers of Twins Club in every town in Kansas with a population of over 1,000.
Joe Downing of Marion wasn’t present and missed receiving $100 at Wednesday’s Marion Cash Days drawing. Kenneth Edwards of Burns missed $10; Lottie Pritz, Marion, missed $5; Mrs. James Purdy, Marion, missed $5, Mrs. Elmer Scott, Marion, was in attendance and received $5.
James Weinmann, high school principal, was elected president of the Marion City Teachers Association Feb. 20 at the annual election of officers
Others elected include Pauline Edmunds, president-elect; Pat Jackson, secretary; Alvina Hoffman, treasurer; and David Fruth, alternate KSTA delegate.
Last modified March 3, 2022