55 years ago
march 23, 1967
A permanent improvement for the Marion County road system is a new “hot mix” plant which was purchased recently.
This plant is, of course, to produce hot mix materials for use on the roads of the county. The plant is not a large one, but it will be ample for producing materials to be used in major patching jobs as well as in routine maintenance.
The plant will be located near the center of the county, on land owned by the county at the former site of “Cedar Rest.” It is 4 miles west and 2½ miles south of Marion.
The cast of the new home talent PTA production, “Off Broadway,” is hard at work this weekend putting the finishing touches on this year’s two night home talent production, all for the fine cause of PTA scholarships. Back of it all, as usual, keeping out of the limelight, is Jean Holmes with the script writing and general coordination to her credit.
A most unusual case of property value and tenant rights belonging to the Wm. Scully Estates and their tenants involving acquisition of land and property by the government in the Marion Reservoir area seems about to be resolved. There are aspects in the situation that are unique in legal procedure, and that have required special trips to Washington, special hearings, and judicial rulings.
According to Mrs. Jacob Stenzel, the Northwest of Marion community correspondent for the Marion County Record, Strassburg Baptist Church “voted last week to build classrooms, restrooms, nursery, and foyer sometime in the near future.”
Those 11 MHS students who received “I” ratings at the district speech and drama festival at Lawrence this weekend and will go on to the state festival in Emporia April 15-16 are: Darold Longhofer, George Jackson, LaVonda Hett, Toni McElwain, Judy Pankratz, Patty Plenert, Rod Oelschlager, Blair Post, Conna Bingaman, Jackie Thomas, and Susan Yeagley.
Last modified March 10, 2022