60 years ago
november 15, 1956
The city clerk this week reminds residents to pack their water meters now before hard freezing weather sets in. He suggests that meters be packed with burlap sacks filled with leaves.
From the Pilsen news by Mrs. Helen Navrat — the final landmark of Cross school has disappeared. James Holub and Victor Navrat removed the concrete foundation on the district ground now owned by Ed Navrat. Many funds have been spent and are spent by our county but no funds for landmarks of our country schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Youk are the parents of a girl born at St. Luke Hospital Nov. 11 weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces. They have named her Teresa Ann.
Shirley Ann Helmer celebrated her 4th birthday Monday afternoon by inviting her Sunday school class to her home for refreshments and treats. Those present were Anita Hett, Roseann Richardson, Carol Patton, Donna Ewert, Kathy Coe, Kathy Winters, Karen Keazer and Shirley’s little brother Kendall.
Results of this week’s Cash Day drawing show that Fred Domke missed the first prize of $100; Mrs. Art Meierhoff, Marion, collected $15; Mrs. Paul F. Hajek, Tampa, missed $40, not present; Mrs. D.W. Merilatt, Marion, collected $15; and Mrs. Emil Remmers, Marion, collected $5.
State workers installed the new green “56” highway markers through Marion Thursday morning. They replace the old white 50-N signs to designate the new U.S. highway.