60 years ago
april 5, 1962
With only six elementary schools in the county left to participate, the annual Grade School Graduation, which in former years was such a large affair, has shrunk this year to only 11 graduates. This may be the last year the annual exercises will be held concurrently.
The only contest in the spring election in Marion was for two unexpired one-year terms on the school board of District 1. Winners were James F. Meisner with 299 votes and Donald Kelsey with 270. Richard Lundgren polled 259 votes.
Mrs. Rex Dody was the winner of a set of dinnerware at a drawing Saturday of last week at Marion Paint Shop.
Gary Hamm, Max Robertson, Clifford Hett, and Darrel Helmer competed in the south-central district farm mechanics contest recently in Cheney. Marion’s teams ranked eighth and ninth.
Twentieth Century Club met April 2 at the home of Mrs. Bill Holmes for an April Fool’s dinner. A delicious aroma filled the house as members arrived, but they were “April fooled” when the hostesses. Mrs. Harold Wiens, Mrs. Bill Meyer, Mrs. Lester Griffith, and Mrs. Earl Wood, served a meal of a low-calorie drink and wafer. The Rev. Jim Bass provided the evening’s program. Refreshments of pecan pie and coffee followed his presentation.
Senior MHS girls, women teachers, wives of faculty members, and the secretary of the high school were guests April 2 at a tea hosted by members of P.E.O. They were welcomed by Mrs. William Tucker, who told the guests about an international scholarship offered by P.E.O.
Last modified March 24, 2022