• Last modified 1043 days ago (April 7, 2022)


april 19, 1962

Five 14-year-old girls from Marion gained a clear-cut victory and the first-place trophy last week in the state Veterans of Foreign Wars junior girls bowling tournament in Wichita. Team members were Linda Bauman, Joyce Frans, Linda McElwain, Sherry Knoblock, and Judy Lee.

Mrs. Will Helmer was guest of honor Friday evening at a layette shower at the Ezra Helmer home. Hostesses were Mrs. Virgil Weber, Mrs. Harold Wiens, Mrs. Wilbert Rindt, and Mrs. Ezra Helmer.

Kay Ann Riffel of Marion was among 72 Kansas State University students elected to membership in Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honorary. Kay Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Navrat, is in the School of Arts and Sciences at KSU.

The dedication of a new piano was incorporated in the Sunday morning worship service at the Presbyterian Church. This gift was made in memory of Helen Waterman by her family.

Easter values at Al and Dan’s Quality Food Market include Bar-S Ham, half or whole, 87 cents a pound; Maxwell House coffee, 49 cents a pound with coupon; cheese, two-pound box, 59 cents; Alcoa Foil, 12-inch-wide roll, 29 cents; Pillsbury cake mix, white or chocolate, 37 cents; California asparagus, 29 cents a pound; and U.S. No. 1 russet potatoes, 10 pounds for 45 cents.

Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Wright will observe their golden wedding anniversary April 29 with an open house at their home at 1002 Denver St., Marion.

Last modified April 7, 2022