• Last modified 983 days ago (June 9, 2022)


june 21, 1962

Harvest got off to a slow start early this week because of wet fields. However, early reports indicate a good yield — better than average.

The United Traffic Safety Commission of Marion has selected Gene Atteberry of Route 3 as the safe driver of the month. Larry Maltbie is the teenage safe driver of the month. Al’s Standard Service Station will provide five gallons of gasoline to the awardees this month.

Mary Melton and Jean Morse left Sunday morning from Florence via train to attend Girls State at Lawrence. They will return by the end of the week.

Pat Longhofer of Marion won first prize for best-dressed woman in the colorful Flint Hills Rodeo parade of horses and riders Saturday in Cottonwood Falls. Pat’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Longhofer of Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penland attended the Coronado Caravan reunion June 9 and 10 at Great Bend. The next reunion will be in 1963 in Clayton, New Mexico.

The roster of Marion’s Babe Ruth baseball team is as follows: 15-year-olds Ricky Bell, Dick Robertson, Rich Soyez, Ed Parrack, and Bruce Hett; 14-year-olds George Jackson, David Goertz, and Rich Winter; 13-year-olds J.R. Weinheimer, Dennis Highsmith, Norman Alexander, Neil Colle, Bob Elling, and Harry Bennett. Ed Winter is team manager. Coaches are Ron Sweat and John Christensen.

Last modified June 9, 2022