• Last modified 770 days ago (Dec. 14, 2022)


dec. 29, 1962

It was fun, lots of fun, Wednesday when cold weather warmed up enough to bring sleds out of storage for the first time this winter. Norman Plenert’s horse, “Sugar,” fired up her one-horsepower to pull neighborhood sleds. Mrs. Plenert is pictured riding Sugar, pulling Mary and Kathy Westerhaus and Patty Plenert.

Dannie Zeller of rural Marion was the lucky winner Saturday of first prize in the Marion County Record year-end subscription contest. He will make his selection of a new steel Hon office desk or a new Smith Corona electric portable typewriter.

Births announced in this week’s Look Who’s Here column include Michael Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waltner of Denver, born Dec. 5; Linda Sue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams of Marion, born Dec. 21; and Mary Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rudolph of Lost Springs, born on Christmas Day.

Jeanne Lynn Koslowsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koslowsky, celebrated her third birthday Friday afternoon with a party at her home. Children attending were Roger and Mike Colgin, Randy Hartman, Doreen and Roxann Helmer, David Hett, Mike Hoffner, and Jimmie Koslowsky. Adults attending included Santa Claus.

Last modified Dec. 14, 2022