• Last modified 731 days ago (Jan. 26, 2023)


jan. 31, 1963

Pictured on the front page is an attractive building at Locust and Lawrence Sts., just completed to house new dial equipment and headquarters for the Marion exchange of Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Engineers soon will install intricate equipment for conversion to dial service this fall.

Connie Jost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jost of Marion, was named 1963 District Poultry Queen at the Cottonwood Valley Poultry Barbecue and Jamboree. Other contestants were Marianne Waltner, Marion; Sharon Ratzlaff, Hillsboro; Ruth Friesen, Hillsboro; and Connie Shrag, Moundridge.

Marion County Historical Society is looking for local women’s clubs whose members will volunteer to help keep the museum open next summer. Interested clubs are being asked to contact Mrs. Marie Dixon.

Awards in the annual Litterbug Poster Contest, sponsored by the federated clubs for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students, were announced this week. Top winners were Mary Beth Kjellin, Sandra Kay Hartman, Becky Coe, Madeline Thompson, and Kenneth Schmidt. Each received a silver dollar. Honorable mention went to Jan VanBuren, Beverly Hoch, and Gary Wiens.

Winston Worden formally installed as pastor of the local Christian Church at a Sunday morning service Jan. 27.

Last modified Jan. 26, 2023