60 years ago
Feb. 7, 1963
Rounds and Stewart Natural Gas Co. of Wichita and Marion was reported this week as having processed 7.47 billion cubic feet of natural gas during 1962 at its plant north of Marion. The plant is growing, and more and more wells are being connected all the time.
Announcement was made this week that Dean C. Batt had sold his interest in Hannaford Abstract Co. to his partner, Norma Hannaford.
Marion High School basketball queen of courts for 1963 is Donna Hanschu. Her two attendants are Cheryl Caselman and Mary Teresa Konarik. Queen escorts were Mike Schwemmer, Lowell Ensey, and Max Jackson. A dance in the school music room followed the game.
Pictured are Connie Keenan, Gary Ewert, Gene Ewert, and Tammy Norris, the four cute assistants or attendants who took part in the queen of courts ceremony. The children carried the crown and flowers for the queen and her attendants.
Connie Jost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jost of Marion, was named district poultry queen at the annual Cottonwood Valley Poultry Barbecue and Jamboree last Thursday in Marion. She will represent the district in a state contest later this summer.
Mrs. Pat Sauble of Cedar Point exhibited the champion dozen of eggs at the recent poultry jamboree in Marion.
Last modified Feb. 1, 2023