60 years ago
april 18, 1963
The 75-year-old “red bridge” just north of Marion on Cedar St. road, has just received a new floor and stringers. The nameplate on the bridge shows a date 1887, when many of these bridges were built over the county.
Members of the Marion Evangelical United Brethren Church laid a cornerstone Sunday afternoon for their new church building on the east edge of town.
Four-time Marion County spelling champion Barbara Musgrave of Marion is pictured as she congratulates Merlin Suderman of Hillsboro on his victory this week of the annual Spelling Bee.
B.J. Allen has purchased the Main St. building that houses the five-back bowling center operated by Mrs. Earl Linn.
Wednesday was “Pancake Day” at Marion Equipment when area farmers were invited in for pancake and sausages. A total of 584 people ate there. Twenty gallons of pancake batter were used and 135 pounds of sausage fried. Untold gallons of coffee were served.
Students from Marion High School attending a principal-freshman conference at Kansas State Teachers College were Tom Good, Stephen Greenemeyer, Arlyn Kinsey, Bob Klose, Gary Maltbie, and Dick Varenhorst.
Last modified April 13, 2023