• Last modified 612 days ago (May 25, 2023)


may 30, 1963

Several more large tracts have been accepted into the Marion school system. Joining is the former Morning Star district, with 3,560 acres going to Marion and 880 going to Hillsboro. In the Loveless district, about 11 sections went to Marion and 10 to Lincolnville.

Dwight Adams, farm representative of the Farmers and Drovers National Bank, has taken over as president of the Marion Chamber of Commerce. He succeeds Richard Bredemeier, who has moved to Florence.

Top honor awards for Marion seniors, kept secret until commencement exercises, went to valedictorian Rose Marie Loveless, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Loveless, and salutatorian Jean Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Morse. Lowell Ensey, son of Dr. and Mrs. T.C. Ensey, received the Balfour award for being the most outstanding student in school activities.

This coming weekend, the county lake will be the scene of a lido regatta with two races Saturday afternoon and one Sunday morning. The lido class sailing boat is one of the smallest of the registered classes of sailboats.

Arnold Schwemmer, deputy county treasurer, was notified this week that he was one of 16 out of a field of 100 who have been appointed as state drivers license examiners. Schwemmer will be located in Wichita and will be the examiner for the state’s most populous county. He will take over his duties in August.

Last modified May 25, 2023