60 years ago
july 11, 1963
On the 12th anniversary of the big flood of 1951, townspeople and farmers were all smiles at a 2.44-inch gentle rain that fell Wednesday night and Thursday morning. “A million dollar rain” best described it. One farmer commented: “It’ll be just like the wheat crop last spring. The rain came just two days before it was too late.”
Final remodeling to make ready for air conditioning at the Marion post office was completed this week.
A new two-way radio was ordered Monday night for the Marion police car. The old radio, about 15 years old, was worn out. The new unit uses a modern narrow-band frequency and has 25 watts of power.
After 52 years of community service, Dr. G.J. Goodsheller has retired.
The 1948 graduating class of Marion High School had its 15-year reunion Saturday. A dinner and informal program at 7 p.m. at Owl Car Café was followed by a dance at 9 p.m. at Marion County Lake hall.
Players of the week honors go to Randy Mott in the Pee Wee league and Myron Frans in the Midgets. Randy hit the winning run in one of his games while Myron won for his hitting as well as pitching.
Last modified June 28, 2023