• Last modified 560 days ago (Aug. 3, 2023)


aug. 8, 1963

An attractive native stone and cement structure, built to simulate an old-time dug well, is a novel addition to the already fine facilities at Marion’s most widely known attractions — its beautiful Central Park. It contains a high-capacity electric refrigerating water cooler, a modern chrome bubbler, steps for kiddies, and a jug filler unit built into its side that can easily be removed during winter months.

Wedding anniversaries reported this week include those of Mr. and Mrs. Clee Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gaunt, and Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Beaman, each couple observing their 50th anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac K. Hiebert of Hillsboro will celebrate their 60th.

Janet Varenhorst was very pleasantly surprised when she arrived home Thursday evening and found a large group of friends ready to help her celebrate her 14th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Varenhorst, assisted by Marian Lawrence and Anita Hoffman, had planned a surprise lawn party and decorated with colored lights, lanterns, balls, and streamers. The guest list included 31 of Janet’s friends.

“Our season’s record now stands at 1-0,” exulted one woman team member at the close of the Wednesday night’s game. It was the opening game for the newly organized Marion women’s softball team, which defeated Florence, 17-6. Team members are Harriet Bina, Mary Ann Finke, Fern Frans, Pearl Helmer, Sharon Kelsey, Sandra Miller, Jan Rathert, Beverly Pankratz, Donna Shirley, Sonya Vogel, and Dorothy Widler.

Last modified Aug. 3, 2023