60 years ago
aug. 15, 1963
Work is supposed to start at once on construction of Marion County Home for the Aged in Peabody. Completion of the general contract is expected in 360 days.
James Keazer, 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keazer, and Leo D. Keating, 23, both of Marion, were critically injured in a near head-on crash of their automobiles Wednesday morning on US-56 about 1½ miles east of Marion.
Duckwall’s Variety Store in Marion is sponsoring a grand opening this Friday and Saturday of its new, enlarged store. Doubling its size in the first floor of the Case Building, it is a major boost to Marion businesses in general.
Patricia Funk, sponsored by Marion Business and Professional Women’s Club, and Cheryl Caselman, representing Marion Kiwanis Club, are candidates for Marion County Fair queen.
A new, improved two-way police radio has been received by the City of Marion and will be installed in the city police cruiser in the near future. It will replace one long in use that had worn out.
Anniversary celebrations reported in this issue include those of Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Hartke, Lincolnville, 40th; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac K. Hiebert, Hillsboro, 60th; and Mr. and Mrs. Clee Ford, Marion, 50th.
Last modified Aug. 10, 2023