60 years ago
dec. 19, 1963
A serious fire Thursday night threatened the entire building that houses the Gamble store belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Holmes.
The fire began in the kitchen of the upstairs apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collins. The kitchen was a total loss, and there was considerable smoke damage to other rooms.
There also was considerable damage from water and some from smoke in the Gamble store.
Kathy Winter was pleasantly surprised Friday evening when the following girls surprised her for her birthday: Tammy Case, Cathleen Costello, Maurita Deines, Beverly Elling, Debbie Fink, Joyce Ford, Susan Hansen, Beverly Hoch, Janice Jantz, Susan Marler, Linda Oldham, Nancy Olsen, Lucille Spencer, and Jan Van Buren.
Jerry and Gary Loveless, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Loveless and recent enlistees in the Navy, managed to have a couple of days’ visit with each other here in Marion before going on to their assigned training posts.
Naomi Stenzel, a senior at Southwestern College, has been named to “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.”
Rocky Hett and Ron Kelsey returned last week from a two-week vacation trip to southern Florida. They took in the main tourist attractions of southern and central Florida and enjoyed a lot of fishing, boating, and other water sports.
Last modified Dec. 14, 2023