• Last modified 383 days ago (Jan. 4, 2024)


jan. 9, 1964

A group of Marion business and professional men met at St. Luke Hospital with several hospital administrative and medical staff members to start active consideration of a proposal to bring new nursing care and retirement facilities to Marion. The meeting was called by Sister M. Maurice, administrator of St. Luke.

The annual New Year’s Day “wolf” hunt in the Youngtown neighborhood was a fine success again this year, with hunters covering some 25 sections of land and bagging eight coyotes.

State Sen. William H. Ward of Marion is pictured visiting at Kansas State Teachers College with students Beverly Pankratz and Jean Dody of Marion. Ward was concluding a weeklong tour with Senate and House committees visiting colleges, universities, and state facilities.

The annual Cottonwood Valley Poultry Barbecue and Jamboree has changed times this year and will be an evening meal and program instead of a luncheon. The same fine barbecue chicken dinner at $1 per plate will be served by a Marion Chamber of Commerce committee from 6 to 7 p.m. instead of at noon.

Cadette Girl Scouts of Troop 61 receiving first-class badges Thursday evening were Tammy Case, Susan Hansen, Susan Vogel, Nancy Olsen, Kathy Weber, Susan Marler, Jan Herrick, Cathy Costello, Janice Jantz, and Beverly Hoch.

Last modified Jan. 4, 2024