• Last modified 298 days ago (April 18, 2024)


april 23, 1964

Heavy rain, hail, gusty wind, and at least one tornado on the ground visited parts of Marion County late Wednesday afternoon. They followed three days of intermittent rains, showers, and cloudy skies.

Max Jackson, Marion’s star of the thinclad circuit and the answer to any track coach’s dream, swept the field again this past week at Abilene and Herington. He won three events at Abilene — the 100-yard dash, the 220-yard dash, and the 440 run.

Pictured on the front page is Tom Poppe of Lincolnville as he receives a trophy for being champion of the Marion County spelling bee from Dwight Adams, president of Marion Chamber of Commerce.

A hayrack ride and wiener roast were highlights of a party held April 14 honoring the 11th birthday of Sandra Anderson. Those present were Shelley Batt, Debbi Case, Linda Caselman, Brenda Foth, Pam Griffith, Brenda Helmer, Ginger Helmer, Lucinda Jost, Karen Kjellin, Janet Lawrence, Luanne Redfearn, Denise Schlehuber, Pam Slusser, Denise Wiens, Rae Jean Woerz, Susan Wood, and Sandra’s sister, Sharon.

Last modified April 18, 2024