60 years ago
may 21, 1964
Contracts for initial work on Marion Reservoir were let this week. It is hoped work will start within the next three weeks.
Emory Lundquist, president of the University of Wichita, will be commencement speaker May 26 when 45 Marion High School seniors receive their diplomas. The baccalaureate service will be May 24 at the gymnasium.
George Jackson and Chris Hauser, Marion’s qualifying two-man golf team, finished third in a state sand greens tournament Saturday at Marion Country Club. A total of 56 players from 16 cities took part.
Births announced this week include a daughter, Kimberly Mae, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Klenda, Marion; a daughter, Renae Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Coy Giles, Rockford, Illinois; and a boy, Rodney Verlene, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Eugene Just, Marion.
Margaret Ann Weber, bride-elect of Ora Hett, was honored May 17 at a luncheon and bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Travis, Wichita, and May 19 at a grocery shower in the parlors of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Hosts for the grocery shower were Barbara Helmer, Janie Hett, Sherry Knoblock, Linda McElwain, and Frances Sanders.
Last modified May 15, 2024